Permanent Planning, Inc.

Staff Bios

Lori DeVries, LBSW, NCG
Program Coordinator
Lori holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Iowa State University, is an Iowa Licensed Bachelor of Social Work, and is a National Certified Guardian with the Center for Guardianship Certification. Lori has worked with people with disabilities since 1988. Prior to starting her career as a professional guardian, Lori was a Qualified Mental Retardation Professional (QMRP) and supervised programming for people who had sustained a brain injury. In 1997, Lori joined PPI as a Guardian Representative, and has served as the PPI Program Coordinator since February of 2001.
Iowa State University, B.S. Family Services, August, 1986.
Iowa Bachelor Level Social Worker (LBSW), 1999-present.
National Certified Guardian, Center for Guardianship Certification, 1999-present.
Professional Memberships
*National Guardianship Association 1999-present.
-Attends annual national guardianship conferences to receive updated guardianship standards of practice.
*Guardianship Association of Iowa Network (GAIN) 2011-present.
-Founding GAIN Board member.
-GAIN Executive Committee member (Recorder) 2011-2014.
- President 2014-present.
Leadership Positions
*Substitute Decision Maker's (SDM) Task Force 2000-2009, 2013-present. SDM Task Force members wrote legislation which was a catalyst in obtaining federal funding to start the Iowa Office of Substitute Decision Maker (OSDM) in 2009. State funding for the OSDM was cut in 2010, but the law remained in the Iowa Code. State funding for the OSDM was received again in 2014 as the result of much advocacy.
*Served on SDM Task Force subcommittee to create a training curriculum and manual for substitute decision makers in Iowa.
*State of Iowa Dependent Adult Abuse and Elder Abuse LEAN Event. August 2013. Invited by the Iowa Department on Aging to serve with state leaders from Department of Human Services, Department of Inspections and Appeals, Iowa Department on Aging, Iowa Attorney General's Office, Polk County Attorney's Office, Area Agencies on Aging, and another customer representative. The purpose of the LEAN event was to recommend to the State Office Directors a more efficient and effective system for reporting and resolving Dependent Adult Abuse and Elder Abuse.
*Office of Substitute Decision Maker Curriculum Committee, 2009
*Exceptional Persons, Inc. Strategic Planning Committee 2001, 2009
*Bremer County Case Management Advisory Board, 1999-present.
*Country View Human Rights Committee 1997-2007
Lori is passionate about her role as advocate for her wards as well as people who are elderly. In addition to her professional duties, she has been her mother's care coordinator and advocate for the past 17 years.